Examining Interdisciplinary Sustainability Institutes at Major
Research Universities: Innovation in Cross Campus and Cross
Disciplinary Models
By Andrew J. Hoffman and Jessica L. Axson, June 2017.
A research study conducted by the University of Michigan
with financial support from the Cynthia and George Mitchell
Download the report here.
This is a study of the distinctive characteristics, activities,
challenges and opportunities of a specific type of sustainability
institute, one that spans the many disciplines of the University
and, to do so, reports to upper administration (Provost or Vice
President). Among research universities within the Association of
American Universities (AAU), 19 are identified and 18 agreed to
participate in this study. Directors were sent a 71-question survey
in January 2017 that covered issues of Governance, Research,
Education, Engagement, Campus Operations and Best Practices.
Media Coverage
"As U.S. abandons Paris, institutes of sustainability take action on
campus," Campus Technology, June 7,
"Interdisciplinary systems promote sustainability in higher
Education Dive, June 6, 2017.