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Academic Appointments
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
- Professor, 2014-present
- Associate Professor, 2009-2014
- Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professor, 2008-2009
- Assistant Professor, 2003-2009
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
- Assistant Professor, 1999-2003
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D. in Finance, 2000 - University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL
B.S. in Finance, 1991
- Firm Characteristics , Consumption Risk, and Firm-Level Risk Exposures, with Christian Lundblad, Journal of Financial Economics 2017.
- Leisure Preferences, Long-Run Risks, and Human Capital Returns, with Francisco Palomino and Wei Yang, Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2016.
- Ex Ante Skewness and Expected Stock Returns, with Jennifer Conrad and Eric Ghysels, Journal of Finance 2013.
- Basis Assets, with Dong-Hyun Ahn and Jennifer Conrad, Review of Financial Studies 2009.
- Cointegration and Consumption Risks in Asset Returns, with Ravi Bansal and Dana Kiku, Review of Financial Studies 2009.
- The Timing of Financing Decisions: An Examination of the Correlation in Financing Waves, with Amy Dittmar, Journal of Financial Economics 2008.
- Do Sovereign Bonds Benefit Corporate Bonds in Emerging Markets? with Kathy Yuan, Review of Financial Studies 2008.
- Consumption, Dividends, and the Cross-Section of Equity Returns, with Ravi Bansal and Christian Lundblad, Journal of Finance 2005.
- Purebred or Hybrid? Reproducing the Volatility in Term Structure Dynamics, with Dong-Hyun Ahn, A. Ronald Gallant, and Bin Gao, Journal of Econometrics 2003.
- Risk Adjustment and Trading Strategies, with Dong-Hyun Ahn and Jennifer Conrad, Review of Financial Studies 2003.
- Quadratic Term Structure Models: Theory and Evidence, with Dong-Hyun Ahn and A. Ronald Gallant, Review of Financial Studies 2002.
- Nonlinear Pricing Kernels, Kurtosis Preference, and Evidence from the Cross-Section of Equity Returns, Journal of Finance 2002.
Current Teaching
- Managing the Maize and Blue Fund, FIN 335,336,338/725,726,728
- Global Fintech Projects, FIN 429/639
- Fintech Innovations, FIN 428/638 (with Andy Wu)
- Investment Decisions Under Symmetric Information, FIN 855 (with Uday Rajan)
Selected Academic Service
- Faculty co-Director, Ross FinTech Initiative, 2019-present
- Faculty Director of Capstone Experiences, 2016-2017
- Associate Editor, Review of Financial Studies, 2014-2017