University of Michigan Business School

Fred Feinberg

Research: Published, Pending and Drafts 
Below are links to several of my research papers, all in PDF format.  Click on any of the highlighted titles to download.  Non-linked papers are under revision and should be available shortly.

Questions, comments and requests can be sent by e-mail to Fred Feinberg at


“The Shape of Advertising Response Functions Revisited: A Model of Dynamic Probabilistic Thresholds”, Marketing Science, 23(1), 2004, 109-119 [with Demetrios Vakratsas, Frank Bass and G. K. Gurumurthy]

“On Continuous-Time Optimal Advertising under S-Shaped Response” Management Science, 47(11), November, 2001, 1476-1487.

“Pulsing Policies for Aggregate Advertising Models,” Marketing Science, 11(3), 1992, 221-234.


“Optimality and Adaptivity in Quota and Level Cutoff Strategies” [with Joel Huber]

“A Theory of Cutoff Formation Under Imperfect Information,” Management Science, 42(1), 1996, 65-84. [with Joel Huber]

“Dynamic Influences on Individual Choice Behavior,” Marketing Letters, 8(3), 1997, 349-360. [with Robert Meyer, Tülin Erdem, Itzhak Gilboa, Wes Hutchinson, Aradhna Krishna, Steve Lippman, Carl Mela, Amit Pazgal, Drazen Prelec and Joel Steckel]


“Do We Care What Others Get?  A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39(3), 2002, 277-291.  [with Aradhna Krishna and Z. John Zhang]

“Should Price Increases be Targeted? – Pricing Power and Selective versus Across-the-board Price Increases,” [with Aradhna Krishna and Z. John Zhang]

“Product Line Management as Dynamic Attribute-Level Competition” [with P. B. Seetharaman and Pradeep Chintagunta]

“A Model-Based Approach to Setting Optimal Retail Mark-Ups,” [with Jie Zhang and Michel Wedel]

“Improving Online Product Recommendations by Including Nonrated Items,” [with Yuanping Ying and Michel Wedel]

“Implications and Relative Fit of Several First-Order Markov Models of Consumer Variety Seeking,” European Journal of Operational Research, 76 (Oct.), 1994, 309-314. [with Leigh McAlister and Barbara Kahn]

“Market Share Response when Consumers Seek Variety,” Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (May), 1992, 227-237. [with Leigh McAlister and Barbara Kahn]

“A Consistent Loyalty Measure for Generalized Logit Models” [with Gary Russell]

“The Relative Effects of State Dependence and Habit Persistence on Mean Convergence in First-Order Models of Brand Choice”


“Linking Marketing and Engineering Product Design Decisions via Analytical Target Cascading,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, forthcoming. [with Jeremy Michalek and Panos Papalambros]

“An Optimal Marketing and Engineering Design Model for Product Development using Analytical Target Cascading,” Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, 2004. [with Jeremy Michalek and Panos Papalambros]

“Realizable Product Line Design Optimization: Coordinating Marketing And Engineering Models Via Analytical Target Cascading,” [with Feray Adiguzel, Peter Ebbes, Jeremy Michalek and Panos Papalambros].


“Capturing Flexible Heterogeneous Utility Curves:  A Bayesian Spline Approach” [with Jin Gyo Kim and Ulrich Menzefricke]

“Modeling Choice Endogeneity in Phased Consumer Experiments” [with Christina L. Brown and Yuanping Ying]

“How Does Choice Distort Product Evaluations?” [with Christina L. Brown]

“A Variety of Effects: How Variety Alters Experience by Influencing Both Choice and Hedonic Value” [with Christina L. Brown]

“Ask and Ye Shall Receive: The Effects of the Appeals Scale on Consumers’ Donation Behavior,”, JEP, 24(3), 2003, 349-376. [with Pierre Desmet]


“Assessing Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models Using a Dirichlet Process Prior” [with Jin Gyo Kim and Ulrich Menzefricke], ROMS, Vol. 2, Article 1.

“Modeling Parametric Evolution in a Random Utility Framework” [with Jin Gyo Kim and Ulrich Menzefricke], forthcoming, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

“A Dynamic Intertial Brand Choice Model Incorporating Interbrand Similarity Structure,” [with P. B. Seetharaman, Jin Gyo Kim and Pradeep Chintagunta]

“A Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Model of Sequential Choice: Estimation and Testing” [with Jin Gyo Kim and Ulrich Menzefricke]


“Category Norms as a Function of Culture and Age: Comparisons of Item Responses to 105 Categories by American and Chinese Adults” [with Carolyn Yoon, Ping Hu, Angela Hall Gutchess, Trey Hedden, Hiu-Ying Chen, Cui Yao, Shulan Jiao, and Denise Park], forthcoming, Psychology and Aging.

“Cross-cultural Differences in Memory: The Role of Culture-based Stereotypes about Aging,” Psychology and Aging, 15(4), 2000, 694-704. [with Carolyn Yoon, Lynn Hasher, T.A. Rahhal and G. Winocur]

“A Cross-Culturally Standardized Set of 260 Pictures: American and Chinese Norms for Name Agreement, Concept Agreement and Familiarity” [with Carolyn Yoon, Ting Luo, Joseph A. Mikels, Trey Hedden, Angela Hall Gutchess, Hiu-Ying Chen, Shulan Jiao, & Denise C. Park], forthcoming, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers.

“Pictorial Naming Specificity across Ages and Cultures: A Latent Class Analysis of Picture Norms for Younger and Older Americans and Chinese” [with Carolyn Yoon & Angela Gutchess].

“Categorical Organization in Free Recall across Culture and Age” [with Angela Gutchess, Ting Luo, Trey Hedden, Carolyn Yoon, Qicheng Jing, Richard Nisbett, & Denise C. Park].

“A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Neural Dissociations between Brand and Person Judgments” [with Carolyn Yoon, Angela Gutchess & Thad Polk].