Andrew J. Hoffman

Management Publications

"Business education is broken: Here are strategies to fix it," Harvard Business Publishing Education, May 9 (2024).

"Why management research needs a radical rethink," Financial Times, July 5 (2023).

"The big change coming to business school research & teaching," Poets & Quants, April 14 (2023).

"Climate change: Why business schools are failing," I by IMD, January 10 (2023).

"Policies for adapting to the 'new normal' of the Anthropocene," Behavioral Scientist, November 14 (2022) (with P. Devereaux Jennings and Nicholas Poggioli).

"Time to put the fossil-fuel industry into hospice," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall: 28-37 (2022) (with Doug Ely).

"Courageous leadership: Paul Polman's insights for the next generation of business managers," Management and Business Review, 2(1): 11-20 (2022) (with Celia Bravard and John Pontillo).

"Defining systems change and sustainable business, Part 2," special issue co-editors in Amplify, 35(5) (2022) (with Nicholas Poggioli).

"Defining systems change and sustainable business, Part 1," special issue co-editors in Amplify, 35(4) (2022) (with Nicholas Poggioli).

"The engaged scholar," EFMD Global Focus, 3(15): 33-37 (2021).

"How to be a purpose-driven leader in a capitalist world,"Harvard Business Review, June 10 (2021) (with Celia Bravard and John Pontillo).

"Climate change and our emerging cultural shift," Behavioral Scientist, September 30 (2019).

"Management as a calling," Stanford Social Innovation Review, September 4 (2018).

"The next phase of business sustainability," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring: 34-39 (2018).

"The evolving focus of business sustainability education," State of the World. Earth Ed: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet (Washington DC: Island Press): 279-288 (2017).

"Laudato si' and the role of religion in shaping humanity's response to climate change," Solutions, 6(5) (December): 40-47 (2015).

"The Pope's encyclical letter and its implications for business," Environment 57(6) (November/December): 12-16. (2015).

"Sustainability: How to get from here to there," Leadership Excellence Essentials, March, 15-16 (2015).

"Sustainability 2.0: Sustainability is dead, long live sustainability," Solutions, June (2013) (with John Ehrenfeld).

"How to fix the broken debate on climate change," Footnote1, May 1 (2013).

"Climate science as culture war," The European Financial Review, December 2012/January 2013: 45-49.

"Climate science as culture war," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall: 30-37 (2012).

"The social and psychological foundations of climate change," Solutions, 4 (3), July (2012) (with P. Devereaux Jennings).

"America's emerging energy renaissance," Power and Energy Solutions, June: 38-41, (with Aaron James) (2009).

"Shades of green," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring: 40-49 (2009).

"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu," Harvard Business Review, October: 34-35 (2007).

"The coming market shift: Climate change and business strategy," in K. Tang and R. Yoeh (eds.) Cut Carbon, Grow Profits: Business Strategies for Managing Climate Change and Sustainability, (London: Middlesex University Press): 101-118 (2007).

"Climate change strategy: The business logic behind voluntary greenhouse gas reductions," California Management Review, 47(3): 21-46 (2005).

"The 'carbon cartel' or wise capitalists: What is going on with voluntary greenhouse gas reductions?"  American Bar Association Air Quality Newsletter, 9 (1): 3-7 (November 2005).

"Winning the greenhouse gas game," Harvard Business Review, April: 20-21 (2004).

"Examining the rhetoric: The strategic implications of climate change policy," Corporate Environmental Strategy, 9 (4): 329-337 (2002).

"Environmental strategy: Emerging market for consulting services," Consulting to Management, 13 (4): 15-24 (2002).

"Business might not like Kyoto Treaty, but they'll like uncertainty even less," Boston Business Journal, 21 (38): 38, 41 (2001).

"Integrating environmental and social issues into corporate practice," Environment, 42 (5): 22-33 (2000).

"Balancing business interests and endangered species protection," Sloan Management Review, 39 (1): 59-73 (with Max Bazerman & Steven Yaffee) (1997).

"A strategic response to investor activism," Sloan Management Review, 37 (2): 51-64 (1996).

"An uneasy rebirth at Love Canal," Environment, 37 (2): 4-9, 25-31 (1995).

"Weighing the pros and cons: Jumping into hazardous waste," Construction Business Review, 3(4): 64-70 (1993).

"Strategic alliances for the hazardous waste remediation market," Construction Business Review, 2(1): 56-71 (1992).

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Contact Info
Andrew J. Hoffman
Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
701 Tappan Street, R4390
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

ajhoff at umich dot edu

Twitter: @HoffmanAndy

Administrative Assistant:
     Shelly Whitmer
     sjmoore at umich dot edu