Enacting Systems Change: Pre-Competitive Collaboration to Address Persistent Global Problems (Naomi Barker, Douglas Ely, Nicholas Galvin, Anya Shapiro and Adrienne Watts; University of Michigan School for Environment & Sustainability, 2021).
Using Rewards to Achieve an Organization's Sustainability
Objectives (Chantelle
Barretto, Chelsea Blau, Kelsey Pace, Joshua Tooker; University
of Michigan Ross School of Business, 2020).
Yellowstone National Park Facilities Energy Management Audit and
Recommendations (G. Sethi, L. Sharpe, A.
Shishkovsky, T. Timmer, and M. Treanton; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2012).
Building a Sustainable Community in Africa (M.
Antokal, C. Ryan, N. Seeba and A. Varadharajan; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2011).
Holy Cross Abbey: Reinhabiting Place (K.
Buckner, C. Cammarata, C. Coultrap-Bagg, A. Linkow, J. Neafsey,
and C. Stratman; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2010).
The Green Potential for Private Equity: How and Why Private
Equity Firms Should Manage Environmental Risks and Opportunities (A.
Barton and E. Uhlhorn; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2010).
Organizational Culture and the Success of Corporate
Sustainability Initiatives: An Empirical Analysis Using the
Competing Values Framework (E. Abbett, A.
Coldham, and R. Whisnant; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2010).
Opportunities and Challenges in Whole Building Retrofits
Koslow; University of Michigan School of Natural
Resources & Environment, 2010).
Hybrid Organizations: New Business Models for Environmental
Leadership (B. Boyd, N. Henning, E.
Reyna, D. Wang, and M. Welch; Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Press,
Sustaining Hope: A Ten-Year Plan for the Growing Hope Center (R.
Chadderdon, L. Colangelo, J. Heeres, B. Lipinski, and R. Steel;
University of Michigan School of Natural Resources &
Environment, 2009).
Voluntary Carbon Confusion: A Consumer's Guide to Purchasing
Carbon Offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates (M.
Lemmer, Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, 2008).
High Performance Hospitality: Sustainable Hotel Case Studies (M. Diener, A. Parekh, and J. Pitera; Lansing, MI: American Hotel
& Lodging Educational Institute, 2008).
Getting Ahead of the Curve: Corporate Strategies That Address Climate Change (with Douglas Glancy, Michael Horn, Scott Pryor, Mark Shahinian, and Gregory Shopoff, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment, 2006).