Andrew J. Hoffman

Publications & Research

Andy Hoffman's research focuses on institutional theory; institutional and cultural change; organization theory; and corporate environmental strategies. He has published over a dozen books, which have been translated into five languages.  Among his list of honors, he has been awarded the Maggie Award (2013), JMI Breaking the Frame Award (2012), Connecticut Book Award (2011), the Aldo Leopold Fellowship (2011), the Aspen Environmental Fellowship (2011 and 2009), the Manos Page Prize (2009), the Faculty Pioneer Award (2003), the Rachel Carson Book Prize (2001) and the Klegerman Award (1995).  His work has been covered in numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, Scientific AmericanTime,the Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio.

A number of selected academic and professional publications are available in PDF format from the menu at right, as is a list of conferences organized by Professor Hoffman.  


Business School and the Noble Purpose of the Market: Correcting the Systemic Failures of Shareholder Capitalism (Stanford University Press, forthcoming, 2025).

The Engaged Scholar: Expanding the Impact of Academic Research in Today's World (Stanford University Press, 2021).

Find this book at Stanford University Press.

*Winner of the 2022 Responsible Research in Management Award*

Management as a Calling: Leading Business, Serving Society (Stanford University Press, 2021).

Find this book at Stanford University Press. 

*Winner of the 2022 PROSE Award, Association of American Publishers*

*Winner of the 2022 Best Book Award, Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management*

*Finalist for the 2022 George R. Terry Book Award, Academy of Management*

Translations available in:





Re-engaging with Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era: An Institutional Approach (with Dev Jennings, Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Find this book at Cambridge University Press.

*Winner of the 2019 Best Book Award, Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management*




Business and the Natural Environment: A Research Overview
(with Susse Georg, Routledge, 2018).

Find this book at Routledge.

Review by Todd Schifeling (Temple University).





Finding Purpose: Environmental Stewardship as a Personal Calling
(Leeds, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, 2016).

Find this book at Greenleaf Publishing

Read media coverage of this book here.




Academic Engagement in Public and Political Discourse: Proceedings of the Michigan Meeting, May 2015
(with Kirsti Ashworth, Chase Dwelle, Peter Goldberg, Andrew Henderson, Louis Merlin, Yulia Muzyrya, Norma-Jean Simon, Veronica Taylor, Corinne Weisheit, and Sarah Wilson, Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing, 2015).

Find a pdf of this book here

Find a printed version of this book at Amazon

Find a pdf or html version of this book at Michigan Publishing



How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate
(Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015).

Find this book at the Stanford University Press

Read media coverage of this book here.

*Winner of the 2019 Responsible Research in Management Award*

*Honorable Mention for the 2016 Best Book Award, Organizational and Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management*

Translations available in:





Flourishing: A Frank Conversation About Sustainability
(with John Ehrenfeld, Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013).

Find this book at the Stanford University Press

*Finalist for the 2014 Best Book Award, Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management*




Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability
(editor with Rebecca Henn, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013).

Find this book at the MIT Press

*Honorable Mention for the 2014 Best Book Award, Organizations and Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management*




Business and the Natural Environment: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management
(editor with Susse Georg, Routledge, 2013).

Find this book at Routledge


Oxford Handbook on Business and the Natural Environment
(editor with Pratima Bansal, Oxford University Press, 2012).

Find this book at the Oxford University Press


Builder's Apprentice: A Memoir
(Ann Arbor, MI: Huron River Press, 2010).

Find this book at Amazon

*Winner of the Connecticut Book Award*

*Finalist for the IndieFab Award*


The National Academies (2010) Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change.  Report prepared for the US Congress on strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change.  (Washington DC: The National Academy of Sciences.)

Find this book at the National Academies Press

Climate Change


Memo to the CEO: Climate Change, What’s Your Business Strategy?
(with John Woody, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press, 2008).

Find this book at Amazon

Translations available in:

Chinese Danish  



(Portugal Edition)

(Brazil Edition)




Carbon Strategies

Carbon Strategies: How Leading Companies are Reducing their Climate Change Footprint
(Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2007).

Find this book at the University of Michigan Press

Translation available in:



Getting Ahead of the Curve

Getting Ahead of the Curve: Corporate Strategies That Address Climate Change
, (The Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2006) (with contributing authors Douglas Glancy, Michael Horn, Scott Pryor, Mark Shahinian, and Gregory Shopoff).

Download the PDF


Organizations, Policy and the Natural Environment:
Institutional and Strategic Perspectives
(editor with Marc Ventresca, Stanford University Press, 2002).

Find this book at Stanford University Press

Heresy to Dogma

From Heresy to Dogma: An Institutional History of
Corporate Environmentalism - Expanded Edition
(Stanford University Press, 2001).

Find this book at Stanford University Press

*Winner of the 2001 Rachel Carson Book Prize*


Competitive Environmental Strategy:
A Guide to the Changing Business Landscape,
(Island Press, 2000).

Find this book at Amazon

Global Climate Change

Global Climate Change: A Senior Level Dialogue at the Intersection of Economics,
Strategy, Technology, Science, Politics and International Negotiation
(editor, New Lexington Press, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998).

Find this book at Amazon


Sustainable Enterprise Image
Contact Info
Andrew J. Hoffman
Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
701 Tappan Street, R4390
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

ajhoff at umich dot edu

Twitter: @HoffmanAndy

Administrative Assistant:
     Shelly Whitmer
     sjmoore at umich dot edu